The Golden Hours for Cemetery Photography

Cemetery Photography

Golden Hour Cemetery Photography

I studied photography in college as part of my elective credits.

My professor always begged his students to take advantage of the golden hours. The golden hours are the time periods directly after sunrise and right before sunset. During these hours, sunlight is filtered though a larger portion of the earth’s atmosphere than it is at mid-day. This filtering effect gives a very pleasing, warm feeling to photographs.

I find that this pleasing feeling is felt in real life too. There is something about being in a cemetery at day break. As the sun crests the horizon to light the world, there’s no place I’d rather be than in a peaceful cemetery beginning a day’s work. Likewise, in the evening, as the sun dips to the west, I always feel a sense of accomplishment knowing I’ve put the day’s sunlight to productive use.

I was in the cemetery this evening as the sun was ready to dip below the horizon. It made everything bright and green and I wanted to share this photograph with you.

Performing grave care is such a rewarding business. If you’d like to start your own Grave Care Business, please look over our website and consider purchasing our Grave Care Business Course. The course is designed to help you start, operate, and grow your own Grave Site Maintenance Business.

Photography is an important part of Grave Care because your clients (especially those who cannot visit the cemetery) will want to see the work you’ve performed. The Grave Care Business Course (Full Version) includes a special section on how to properly photograph gravestones and cemetery landscapes for your clients to see your work.

Starting A Grave Care Business Can Be a Dizzying Experience

Spinning Cemetery

It’s natural for all business owners to occasionally feel like they are spinning in circles.

The excitement of starting your own business can be a dizzying experience. It can also be a bit frightening. When I began providing grave care services, there was no one else doing this type of work. I didn’t have anyone to lean on or ask for advice.

It was a challenge to blaze my own trail into a business where there was literally zero competition. This is one of the reasons I developed the Grave Care Business course. I love sharing information. Grave Care is such a rewarding business.

I am in cemeteries almost everyday. I continue to research and develop ideas to share with you to help you start and grow your own successful Grave Care Business.

So, if you feel like you’re spinning in circles and if you’re beginning to get dizzy thinking about starting your own Grave Care Business, please look over this entire website to learn how the Grave Care Business course will help you.

You can order the Grave Care Business course from the main page of our website and it will be shipped to you promptly.

If you have any questions, please let me know.